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  • 122+ Million Viewers

Our Values and Mission

We are committed to ethical practices, fostering creativity, and making a significant difference. Together, we strive to achieve excellence and inspire positive change in everything we do.

Rejoining & Capturing
India's Growth Journey

India's stupendous growth in the last decade is a tribute to our Nation's astute planning & vision of our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.
itv is privileged to have a preview & report this journey with premier TV & digital news platforms newsx.com, thedailyguardian.com, thesundayguardian.com, indianews.in and inkhabar.com.
Kartikeya Sharma
Founder, itv Network
As a citizen I see my country encompass the vission of our leadership & celeberate its successful outcome each day.

Activities & Events

Our Editorial Leaders

Content is paramount to our audiences viewers browsers. iTV more than 1400 jaurnlists spread across India and globe. They are lead by our think tanks team who work tirelessly to build a seamless expensive of best in news.